The Runners Safety Self Defense Kit is a direct result of the unfortunate death of Mollie Tibbets. We were asked by several customers what products we recommend for running, hiking, jogging or walking alone when exercising.
The result? We've bundled two of our lightest, smallest and most hands-free self defense products into one perfect runner's self defense kit.
Kuba-Kickz are an innovative (and brilliant) new self-defense product that allows you to wear your self-defense product right in your shoe laces. We love them because Kuba-Kickz shoe inserts leave your hands free, are very light weight, and once you slip them in between your shoe laces- you will never leave your self-defense weapon at home by accident. They are great for college campuses which may have restrictions on carrying a stun gun or pepper spray on campus. Imagine giving an attacker one swift kick in the groin with these on your shoes! Any attacker is sure to drop to ground in agony and wish he had selected another woman!
The neoprene sleeve/glove of the InstaFire Xtreme jogger's pepper spray slides comfortably over the palm of your hand, leaving your arms and hands free to move naturally while exercising; but keeping your self-defense pepper spray right in the palm of your hand. It's brilliant! It also has formed hard plastic knuckles that give you an extra layer of self-defense protection in the case of an emergency.