Learn crucial carjacking tips to protect yourself and your vehicle. Stay vigilant with practical steps for safety, secure your car, and respond effectively to threats. Enhance your security with expert advice on avoiding carjackings and staying safe on the road.

SEP 16, 2024


“53% of victims resist during a carjacking. Never fight for your vehicle."

Carjacking Safety Tips: Protect Yourself and Your Vehicle

Carjacking is a terrifying crime that often occurs when drivers least expect it. Much like street robbery, carjackers rely on the element of surprise and the vulnerability of distracted drivers. Fortunately, there are precautions you can take to reduce your risk. Below are essential carjacking safety tips that can help keep you and your vehicle safe.

1. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

Carjackers often target drivers who are not paying attention. Always stay vigilant, especially when approaching or leaving your vehicle. Look under your car as you are approaching it. Look to see if there is someone in the passenger side of the car next to your driver’s door as you approach your car. They could easily exit the car they’re in and grab you.

2. Keep Doors Locked and Windows Rolled Up

Whether you’re driving or parked, it’s crucial to keep your doors locked and windows rolled up. This is your first line of defense against a potential carjacker. Additionally, if your vehicle has an alarm or anti-theft device, ensure it is activated whenever you leave your car.


3. Park Smartly

Whenever possible, park in well-lit, high-traffic areas. Avoid parking in secluded spots, behind large walls, or near heavy foliage where visibility is limited. If you're driving alone, valet parking or an attended garage is a safer option. If you're in a shopping center, ask for a security escort when walking to your vehicle.

4. Have Your Self-Defense Weapon in Hand

It’s important to always have your stun gun or pepper spray keychain in hand when walking to the car for two reasons. Of course, your reaction time will be much faster to defend yourself if you are already armed. But did you know that most attackers will wait for an easier victim if they see someone is carrying a self-defense weapon? It’s true! Carry your defense weapon loud and proud as a deterrent to would-be attackers looking for an easy target.


5. Be Cautious When Approaching Your Car

Always keep your keys ready before you reach your car to avoid searching for them while distracted. As you approach your car, stay alert. Check underneath, around, and inside before getting in. If you notice anyone lingering near your vehicle or acting suspiciously, do not approach—turn around and seek help.

6. Avoid Parking Near Certain Vehicles

Be cautious when parking next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or vehicles with heavily tinted windows. These vehicles can easily conceal individuals with ill intentions. Park as close to your destination as possible, and take note of your parking spot in case you need to return quickly.

7. Secure Your Belongings

Leaving packages or valuables visible in your car can make your vehicle a target for smash and grab criminals. It takes less than 60 seconds for a thief to break in, steal your valuables and be gone. Store items in the trunk or out of sight. When loading packages into your car, remain aware of your surroundings. Don’t turn your back to your surroundings, and avoid lingering outside the vehicle for long periods.


“70% of non-fatal carjackings involve an offender with a weapon.

8. Drive Defensively

When driving, especially in urban areas, keep your doors locked and windows up. At stoplights or in traffic, leave enough room between your car and the vehicle ahead to maneuver in case you need to escape quickly. If you’re ever bumped by another car, be cautious—this may be a carjacking attempt. Signal the other driver to follow you to a busy or well-lit area before stopping.

9. Reacting to an Armed Carjacker

If you are confronted by an armed carjacker, your priority is your safety. Hand over your keys or valuables without resisting—no item is worth risking your life. Don’t argue, chase, or fight the robber. However, never agree to be taken to another location. If forced into your car, drop your keys and scream for help. If you are taken and able to do so, attempt to crash your vehicle near a busy area to draw attention and stop your abduction. It’s better to have a wrecked car than be taken from the scene.

10. Stay Calm and Drive to Safety

If you are the target of vehicular stalking, never drive home to safety. Call 911 immediately and stay on the phone with them while you drive to the nearest police station. The operator will also assist you in providing her valuable information about your stalker’s vehicle and identification at a time when your thoughts will be on survival, not details.


11. Teach Children to Enter and Exit Quickly

Teaching children to quickly and safely enter and exit the car is an essential habit that can enhance their safety, especially in high-risk areas or busy parking lots. By practicing this routine regularly, children learn to stay focused and avoid distractions, reducing the time spent vulnerable outside the vehicle. Encourage them to gather their belongings beforehand and to stay close to you while exiting.

Carjacking can happen quickly and without warning, but with these safety measures, you can minimize your risk. By staying aware, being proactive about your personal safety, and knowing how to react, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Remember, your safety is the most valuable asset—stay alert and prepared.

Defense Divas® wants you to be equipped to defend yourself not only with a self-defense weapon, but also with the practical knowledge of safety awareness and prevention.

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