You watch the news. You know that violent crime is higher than ever. You know that you need to prepare for self-defense and security. But where do you start? In a recent interview with security guard and self-defense instructor, Ramona Belkin, we learned that these 7 simple steps and products will create a strong self-defense plan for you and your family.
MAR 02, 2023

“Experts recommend adding these security and self-defense methods to greatly increase your overall safety.”
7 Steps to Protect Your Ass-ets.
When approaching a self-defense plan, there are many factors to consider.
• Where are you most vulnerable?
• What are the lighting conditions?
• Is it inside or outside?
• Are there other dangers to protect against in the same area?
• What’s the best tool for the job?
• Is there a self-defense weapon that can meet multiple safety criteria?
Click on the links and images, check them out and add these products to your cart. These 7 items will cover most your bases when it comes to self-defense and personal security.
✔️Carry a folding knife in your car.
Having a knife in your car serves a multitude of other uses in addition to self-defense protection. Choose one that has additional features such as a seatbelt cutter slot and an emergency glass window break tip. Both of these auto safety features add zero bulk to the size of the knife but boost your safety exponentially.
✔️Carry a pepper spray on your keyring.
✔️Carry a stun gun with you at all times where legal.
Studies have shown that opportunistic criminals are less likely to choose a victim if they see beforehand that this person is holding a self-defense weapon. They will wait for an easier target.
If you choose a stun gun that has a panic alarm feature included, you will be able to check off the next step in a solid self-defense plan.
✔️Carry a panic alarm with you.
A panic alarm may seem like such a basic safety tool that its’ importance often gets overlooked. More often than not, simply activating a super loud panic alarm is enough to deter an attacker. Anything that draws attention to the situation makes you a less desirable target.
“Contrary to what social media blitzes, a firearm isn't always the best home defense option.”
✔️Keep a flashlight stun gun in your nightstand.
A flashlight stun gun with a powerful battery is an excellent self-defense weapon to keep in your nightstand. The stun gun feature will allow you to defend yourself and provide an opportunity to escape. The flashlight feature will let you see clearly in the darkness of night.
In addition to powerful flashlight and stun defense features, the DNA Collecting Stun Gun & Flashlight Combo has jagged, metal teeth to ensure you get a good DNA sample from your attacker when you apply the stun gun defense. This evidence will be extremely valuable to law enforcement.
✔️Add a bulletproof insert to your purse immediately.
It’s an unfortunate fact that live shooter emergencies no longer happen just at schools. It used to be the headline story for days when someone executed this horrific act of violence. Today is seems to be a monthly occurrence. Please read our article on How to Survive an Active Shooter Crisis if you have no already done so.
Adding a bulletproof insert to your purse or backpack will ensure that you have bulletproof protection for your vital organs if you are ever in an active shooter emergency. The nice thing about bulletproof inserts is they are available in multiple sizes and are removeable so you can relocate them to whichever bag you are carrying that day.
✔️Keep a diversion safe in your home and in your car for valuables.
A diversion safe is a place to store your cash or valuables such as jewelry inside what looks, weighs and feels EXACTLY like an everyday item that would be found in your home or car.
For example, the Hairbrush Diversion Safe looks, feels and weighs just like a regular hairbrush. However, if you unscrew the top, there is a secret compartment to store your emergency cash, house key, etc. This is a great way to carry cash for emergencies inside your car without worrying about it being stolen in a smash and grab.
Do not carry this in your purse because that is likely to be stolen. Rather, stash your hairbrush diversion safe in the glove box. You will know you have cash for an emergency but everyone else will think it’s a regular hairbrush.
Keep another diversion safe in the house for the same reasons. Burglars spend an average of less than 10 minutes in a home. Store you valuable in plain sight with these products that a burglar will never pick up to take with them.
✔️Final Thoughts
Nobody wants to think about the possibility of needing self-defense, but that doesn't mean it isn't important to have a plan in place. These 7 steps can help you and your family feel safe: Cover all the bases and equip yourself with these items as soon as possible.
Even if you are unable to purchase them all at the same time, start with what you can and you will be increasing your level of personal safety dramatically.
Defense Divas® wants you to be equipped to defend yourself not only with a self-defense weapon, but also with the practical knowledge of safety awareness and prevention.
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