In light of the recent kidnapping and murder of school teacher and runner, Eliza Fletcher, it is more important now than ever to begin implementing some critical safety tips into your exercise routine. Learn how to address the three biggest threats to your safety and defend yourself while you enjoy your daily fitness outdoors.
APR 03, 2017

“Keep one earbud out so that you can remain aware of your surroundings while on your morning run.”
Safety Tips for Your Active Lifestyle
With the weather warming and longer daylight in most parts of the country, Spring is in the air! This is the time of year when a lot of us break out our running shoes and go for evening walks or morning jogs.
While it may be tempting to zone out as you are hiking up a wooded trail or turn up your ear buds as you are hammering down the street- this mindless state can leave your safety compromised. Keep yourself running, happy and secure with these active lifestyle safety tips from our experts.
⭐Danger: Human Attackers⭐
· Keep one earbud out when listening to your iTunes. This allows you to hear someone approaching you at a rapid pace and keeps you more attuned to your surroundings.
· Wear Kuba-Kickz in your running shoes. These simple, light weight items fit comfortably under the laces of your favorite shoes and are extremely effective if you need to kick an attacker and escape. And best of all, they keep your hands free while still protecting you.
· Always let someone know where you are going to be running and how long you expect to be there. If you are gone any longer than expected, emergency assistance can be sent to your location. Download one of these 3 free safety apps that you can use to let people know where you are if an emergency occurs.
· If you are attacked by an individual, lie lie lie! Tell the attacker that you have HIV. Tell the attacker that your husband is the Chief of Police. Tell the attacker anything that might make them think twice before assaulting you.
“Don't smile at a stray dog in an attempt to de-escalate his aggressiveness. Showing your teeth is a sign of aggression in dog language. ”
⭐Danger: Dogs and Wild Animals⭐
If you are running the trails it is best to carry a pepper spray or animal repellent while you run in case you are approached by a wild/rabid dog or other wild animal such as bear, mountain lion, etc. Any of the key chain pepper sprays are convenient to attach somewhere on your body that doesn’t restrict your running.
⭐Danger: Cars⭐
Now, more than ever, drivers are distracted with smartphones, texting and many more things while they are driving. We suggest running on off-road trails or in parks. It is much safer and the bonus is that its’ easier on your knees than asphalt.
If you do stick to the streets, always run on the left side of the road- towards oncoming traffic. If the driver doesn’t see you, you’ll definitely see the driver.
During low light hours (in the early morning and evening) wear reflective clothing accessories to make yourself more visible to drivers.
⭐Self-Defense Weapon⭐
Take these few simple precautions to ensure that you are prepared to handle any dangerous attacker, human or not, on your run. By changing up your routine, being aware of your surroundings and carrying a self-defense weapon you will greatly reduce the risks to your safety.
Defense Divas® wants to keep you and your personal property safe. Follow us on any of your fave social media channels to get a daily dose of self-defense tips and safety awareness right in your feed.
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